Scientist / Astronomer / Photographer
Knight's Templar Extraordinaire
The author of Lightbringer is the great grandson to Hamilton Lanphere Smith and author of the website What we intend to accomplish with this website is to bring an appendix to our book "Lightbringer", which are the Hamiltonian Notes, written in Hamilton's own handwriting, pen, and ink, to let the reader help us to decipher his writing on the SPICA Star, i.e., the First Coming of The Christ as written in the Temple of Isis, Winter Solstice Julian Period 4707 Inu Era, Fore Shadowed on the Planisphere in the Temple of Isis at Denderah, Egypt, 3500 BC. We have deciphered the first twenty pages for your perusal, enjoy the original Hamilton Knight. If you want to help us decpher more please email us at: Thank you.